I figured I would make a little post about food, and by food, I mean fastfood. After 2 weeks in USA I have no problems understanding why 50% of the american people are overweight. There are 1000 different fastfood places all along the road, everywhere. When you are driving through a small town, you see some houses, maybe a school, 4 differend churches, 2 McDonalds, 1 Burgerking, 1 Wendys, 1 tacobell, 1 Arbys, 2 subways and 10 other random resturants. That is a lot of food...
When it comes to my own diet ill give you a typical day for me:
- Starting off with breakfast I often eat wafles, pancaces or french toast. (with atleast 1L maple sirup, the others eat it with a sugar as well) I also take a glass of orange juice and a vitamin pill.
- Lunch at school varies, but it is often salat, pizza, cheese toast or tacos, all with fires and a milk.
- When it is dinnertime, pizza, burgers and chicken are aten atleast twice a week. (Americans done eat fish, ever) The picture above is taker from this evenings dinner. Pizza's at 5$ a piece, in other words, the same a frozen pizza at home.
In the fridge I'm guessing there is 10 frozen pizzas, 10 different ice cream flavors, and 100 kg other microweave food I've never heard of before.
As you understand, americans are fat for a reason.