søndag 5. juli 2009
Hjemme igjen
Det var kansje paa tide aa fotelle alle sammen at jeg faktisk har kommet hjem igjen, for omtrent 1 maanede siden. Et begivenhets rikt aar er over, og jeg vender tilbake til det vanlige livet i Norge.
fredag 22. mai 2009
I dag var min siste skole dag paa Pike - Delta - York High School. Det eneste som gjenstaar er graduation sermonien som er sondag den 24. Ellers ser jeg frem til en nermere 3 maaneder lang sommerferie. Forovrig er det meget fint vaer her borte med sol paa en skyfri himmel og temperaturer rundt 30 grader (celcius, bjarte). Passer rimelig bra med svommebaseng i hagen;)
Har i overkant av en uke gjen av oppholdet mitt her i Delta, Ohio.
Har i overkant av en uke gjen av oppholdet mitt her i Delta, Ohio.
søndag 26. april 2009
Invitational tournament @ Ayersville HS
Saturday April 25th we were invited to play in a four team tournament at Ayersville HS. Which ofcourse ended with a Delta victory after beating a horrible team, which I don't even remember what was called, 13 - 0. And beating Ayersville 5 - 4 in the final.
It was a fairly warm day with temperatures reaching 30, in addition to lots, and lots of wind. I've got myselves a nice tan-line now.
Anyways, we won a tournament, and it feels good. Go Panthers!
It was a fairly warm day with temperatures reaching 30, in addition to lots, and lots of wind. I've got myselves a nice tan-line now.
Anyways, we won a tournament, and it feels good. Go Panthers!
lørdag 11. april 2009
Lappen, wohoo!!
Etter 18 aar og uendelig mange timer er jeg endelig mobil. Ikke skal jeg gaa noen steder, eller ringe naar noen maa komme aa hente meg. Njaal cruser offisielt rundt i Deltas gater i en halvrusten Honda Civic.
(Det er ikke usansynlig at kiloene begynner aa komme grunnet mangel paa trim)
Slik ser bilen ut. Er ikke den samme, men samme type. Fant bilde paa google siden jeg ikke gadd aa ta bilde av min egen bil, haha.
(Det er ikke usansynlig at kiloene begynner aa komme grunnet mangel paa trim)
Slik ser bilen ut. Er ikke den samme, men samme type. Fant bilde paa google siden jeg ikke gadd aa ta bilde av min egen bil, haha.
onsdag 4. mars 2009
A little basketball update
As I spend most my time on basketball over here, I thought to my selves it's about time to write a little bit about how it it going. The regular season are over and we finished the season at 11 wins - 9 losses (Junior Varsity) and 8 wins - 12 losses (Varsity). However we managed to get a spot it the playoffs which started this tuesday. Our opponent were Lake High School, which we had beaten 42 - 40 earlier in the season. We ended up winning 69 - 39 in a blowout victory, which were sent live on tv as well. On the coming friday we are taking on Ottawa Hills, which has a 18 - 2 regular season record, for a spot in the sectional final.
This picture is from the Panther Hall, which is our home court. Its statium capability is somewhere around 750-800 people. We are playing in white. This picture is from our last home game against Tinora, another 18 - 2 regular season team. We lost the game 60 - 61. If you look closely, you can see some pictures hanging on the back wall, mine is the fourth starting from the down left.
I am curently working on geting a hold of some game fotage from one of the games.
lørdag 17. januar 2009
It's cold, record cold
Friday January 16th was officially the coldest day in the ohio area in 16 years. With the air temperature stuck at -23 degrees farenheit (-32 grader celcius). That was NOT the windshield. There was no school due to abvious reasons. 60% of the schools students would likely freeze to death. It was so cold that you could take a glass of warm water, throw it up in the air, and it was ice when it hit the ground. Now thats cold. Too cold.
torsdag 15. januar 2009
MLB the Show

For de av dere som lurer paa hva jeg bruker den lille fritiden jeg har innimellom, saa kan jeg betrygge dere om at jeg ikke har glemt kunsten med tv spill og gaming konsoller. Jeg har nemmelig de siste 3 maanedene spilt MLB the Show 08 gaske saa hardt. Er forØvelig i sesongen 2011, som er min fjerde sesong. Det virker kansje ikke saa imponerende, men i en sesong er det 162 kamper. Skal ikke si at jeg har spilt alle kampene selv, men det har blitt en del av de.
Ellers vil jeg si at det er et helt fantastisk spill som kan minne veldig om en blanding mellom Fifa og fotball manager, bare baseball style. Helt overlegent!
Half way
I am now half way in my american life, and are therefore going to write about what I have seen and experienced so far when if comes to whats alike and whats very different from USA and Norway.
- There are fastfood chains everywhere, and they are not only there for the view, but people eat there. A lot!
- The beds only have a thin cotton sheet, nothing thick. If you are cold, you grab one more.
- There is no such thing that makes your clothes silky smooth when you wash them.
- Americans never eat healthy breakfast. Common choises are wafles with way too much sirup and a pile of pouder sugar on top, pop-tards (candy like thingy, very unhealthy), beagles, eggs & bacon, and if you are eating a sandwitch, you use white bread only.
- Every family have atleast 3 cars; one truck (which is very rarely used), one cheap car, and one family car. In addition my family have a golf car. Yeah, baby!
- Gas cost 1,75$ a gallon which equal to about 3 kr pr liter, and they conplain all the way.
- Sports and school go hand in hand. You play for your school, not a team.
- The school gets delayed if there are a little snow on the road, or it is too cold. So far we have had 8 delays and 1 canselation.
- The school system are quite poor. You learn very little stuff of significant meaning, and it is almost a free ride to good grades.
- In during the classperiod we take notes off the overhead, or we lisen to the teacher speak about anything. Often not school related at all.
- Even though americans are crazy about cars nobody changes into winter-tires, and as a result, there are cars in every ditch on a snowy day.
- America have Hooters! Gief!
- It is EXTREMELY inpoortant for a teenager to have clothes exclusively from Hollister or
American Eagle. Personally, I don't like eighter of them.
- It cost more money to make you'r own dinner that to eat out. A dubble cheeseburger at McDonald's cost 1$ (5,5 kr).
- About 80% of the people here first thought they spoke english as the main language in whole of europe, including in Norway.
- 15ish% didn't know Norway existed.
- If you are 1 second late for a class - you get a detention.
I'll write some more stuff later on, this was just the first things that came to my mind.
- There are fastfood chains everywhere, and they are not only there for the view, but people eat there. A lot!
- The beds only have a thin cotton sheet, nothing thick. If you are cold, you grab one more.
- There is no such thing that makes your clothes silky smooth when you wash them.
- Americans never eat healthy breakfast. Common choises are wafles with way too much sirup and a pile of pouder sugar on top, pop-tards (candy like thingy, very unhealthy), beagles, eggs & bacon, and if you are eating a sandwitch, you use white bread only.
- Every family have atleast 3 cars; one truck (which is very rarely used), one cheap car, and one family car. In addition my family have a golf car. Yeah, baby!
- Gas cost 1,75$ a gallon which equal to about 3 kr pr liter, and they conplain all the way.
- Sports and school go hand in hand. You play for your school, not a team.
- The school gets delayed if there are a little snow on the road, or it is too cold. So far we have had 8 delays and 1 canselation.
- The school system are quite poor. You learn very little stuff of significant meaning, and it is almost a free ride to good grades.
- In during the classperiod we take notes off the overhead, or we lisen to the teacher speak about anything. Often not school related at all.
- Even though americans are crazy about cars nobody changes into winter-tires, and as a result, there are cars in every ditch on a snowy day.
- America have Hooters! Gief!
- It is EXTREMELY inpoortant for a teenager to have clothes exclusively from Hollister or
American Eagle. Personally, I don't like eighter of them.
- It cost more money to make you'r own dinner that to eat out. A dubble cheeseburger at McDonald's cost 1$ (5,5 kr).
- About 80% of the people here first thought they spoke english as the main language in whole of europe, including in Norway.
- 15ish% didn't know Norway existed.
- If you are 1 second late for a class - you get a detention.
I'll write some more stuff later on, this was just the first things that came to my mind.
torsdag 1. januar 2009
Happy New Year!
I would like to wish everybody a happy new year! I hope you have a wonderfull year to come.
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